Consistency is the unsung hero of success

Josh Gonzales, PhD(c)
2 min readMay 22, 2024

100 Day Writing Challenge: Day 1/100

The advantage of consistency applies to every area of life— whether it’s achieving peak physical fitness, cultivating emotional resilience, or climbing the ladder of professional excellence. Sustained success requires a steadiness most people aren’t willing to give. Consistent behaviour can be the ultimate source of competitive advantage; without it, you risk falling into a category of social partners that people avoid.

People gravitate towards reliability because it offers a refuge from the chaos of uncertainty that dominates the modern world. We have so many choices in life that the promise of consistent outcomes can often be the only marker people need to choose you over someone less consistent.

As writers, especially those of us navigating this journey independently, it’s easy to fall into the trap of believing that every piece has to be a standout hit. But this mindset is both unrealistic and counterproductive. There will always be days when creativity eludes you and the words just don’t come out the way you want them to.

Luckily, consistency provides the antidote. And the truth is: the power of consistency lies in its cumulative effects. Just like a snowball gathering mass as it rolls, consistent effort — no matter how small — compounds over time, leading…



Josh Gonzales, PhD(c)

PhD Candidate @ University of Guelph studying representation in entertainment and goal-oriented decision-making